
Obidur Rahman


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Practice for technical interviews with hands on coding challenges.

This app uses a machine learning model to analyze the sentiment of your moview review. This app is designed to predict the sentiment of your reviews as either positive or negative. It uses a pre-trained machine learning model and a TF-IDF vectorizer trained on 50,000 IMDB reviews.

Exercitation pariatur enim occaecat adipisicing nostrud adipisicing Lorem tempor ullamco exercitation quis et dolor sint. Adipisicing sunt sit aute fugiat incididunt nostrud consequat proident fugiat id. Officia aliquip laborum labore eu culpa dolor reprehenderit eu ex enim reprehenderit. Cillum Lorem veniam eu magna exercitation. Reprehenderit adipisicing minim et officia enim et veniam Lorem excepteur velit adipisicing et Lorem magna.

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2024 — Built by Obidur Rahman